The recent article by NY Times
columnist, Ross Douthat proclaiming the impending death of the
liberal church has sparked a lively response. Notably, Diana Butler
Bass replied with numbers that argue that the entire church is in a
dive with the left wing being the first to droop. But she also
proclaims the good news that a new Great Awakening is in the offing.
As a former Evangelical and a former liberal (more on that below) I
have seen the decline from different angles with different lenses.
But since I believe in resurrection I affirm that death has lost its
power, so I accept death that makes way for life, and I believe that
new life is indeed emerging.
The first thing that I hope will die is
the false dichotomy of left and right. I don't believe that the
divide is purely theological. Bass laments that too often our only
choice in church is between “intelligence on ice or ignorance on
fire.” Shifting the focus to the balance between head and gut gets
closer to the heart of the matter. Prescribing specific beliefs that
must be held in black or white starkness while maintaining a strict
behavioral code does have its appeal. It feels good to know that in
arguments you can be certain that you are right and as distasteful as
it is, feeling holier than thou does feel good. You likely read that
sentence with “the other” in mind, I know that I am tempted to do
that all the time. But there is the problem. Both left and right
can can be cold and stark in expectations. For the purpose of
discussion, let's call this dogma; holding the belief that
questioning certain beliefs is a questionable act. Evangelicals risk
the dogmatism of reading the Bible in only one way that can only be
understood correctly when God provides the insight. When liberals
dogmatically support the cause du jour through peer pressure
to always do justice they risk becoming a mile wide but only an inch
deep. The other element to consider is doctrine. For this
discussion that will mean any belief set, systematic or not, whether
comprehensive or just an isolated piece. While Evangelicals are more
likely to risk turning doctrine into dogma, Liberals too often have
been overcautious around doctrine to the point that they risk having
none. So while it may be true that left will benefit by adding more
gut and the right more head, the real shift that I think I am seeing
is a move from dogmatism toward a passionate and multi-doctrinal
I spent many years in ministry to
homeless and and hungry people based in a church. We were clear that
there would be no religious litmus test for our services and that we
wouldn't require anyone in need to be subjected to pressure to
believe what we believed. We were motivated by our doctrine, putting
our faith into action, but we resisted dogma. We also couldn't do it
alone, so we regularly put out the call to the community for
assistance. We found that it didn't matter if a person was a
fundamentalist charismatic, an unabashed pagan or raging atheist,
they all were compelled by their diverse beliefs to show kindness to
neighbors in need. I also learned in that time that our very
different faiths could find no way to worship together through
seeking the least common denominator since we had so little in
common. On the other hand, when we learned to welcome the diverse
expressions of our deeply held faiths we had rich common experiences.
The lesson learned is that diverse doctrines can lead to unity but
exclusive dogma will always divide. And now it is the practices of
acceptance and doing justice in the world that are leading
Evangelicals into post-Evangelicalism and liberals into
post-liberalism and together joining in what Eric Elnes calls
Convergence Christianity.
Take the issue of homosexuality as an
example. There are post-Evangelicals who are finding that they don't
have to abandon the doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture in order
to follow Jesus in abandoning judgment. There are post-liberals who
are passionately proclaiming the scriptural call to radical
hospitality. In worship, post-liberals are embracing creative arts
and expression in new ways and post-Evangelicals are more engaged
with questions. The great secret that we had forgotten is that
especially around issues of ethical practice we have always had more
in common than we liked to admit when we were defining ourselves in
opposition to the other. We must abandon, as Chris Heuertz says, our
false centers. When we define the so-called other by how they differ
from us we place ourselves at the center and the person or group
described at the margins. We must acknowledge the truth that Christ
alone is at the center and that we all share the margins. We all
benefit from less certainty and more humility.
The use of the past tense may be
prematurely optimistic, yet some of us are feeling the Holy Spirit
like a wild goose moving among us now in this way. Convergence
Christianity is like the confluence of two great rivers. When a
confluence occurs between two strong rivers they may flow together
for miles in the new river still distinguishable as the mingling to
create the new takes place. Perhaps it is a temperature difference
that makes one bit of water flow over the other, or salinity or
turbidity or any number of factors. It is clear that the
post-Evangelical and post-liberal tributaries off the Evangelical and
liberal rivers are nothing if not strong and very different. So we
may be so strongly within the tradition we are flowing out of that we
don't recognize that we are rushing side-by-side with the other
tradition as we converge into an emerging Christianity that is God's
way of helping us all to be more spiritual and less religious (at
least in the way we have been). Hindus have long understood the
power of confluence, which they call Sangama. The point of
confluence of three rivers, called a Triveni Sangam, is a holy
place where one bathes to remove sins. One such Triveni Sangam,
in Allahabad has two physical rivers Ganges, Yamuna, and the
invisible or mythic Saraswati River. Perhaps we will learn the wisdom
of welcoming an unseen river in our confluence, welcoming the Holy
Spirit to co-mingle among us that Jesus' prayer may become real among
us, “that they all may be one.”